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Thursday, April 21, 2011


Miracle-an effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause.

I've always believed that a miracle is a matter of perspective. You can go around blabbering all you want and chanting stuff to please your god, but that would never result in any "miracle" as such.

The only "god's miracle" I see is that the fact that if there was slight change in the force of gravity or the weight of an atom would leave earth as lifeless any celestial body with a different gravity. That's all. Everything else would depend only on what a man thinks is possible and not. If he sees something he considers impossible, he would call it a miracle.

Think of this. If you travel back in time (which is entirely possible today. We should all go once. Oh and it costs a little bit more than twice the world's GDP), and tell the early man that you can talk to people who are miles apart, tell him that you can set foot on the moon, tell him that you can slice open his stomach without him feeling any pain, or that you can destroy a nation with a small round object no bigger than his palm, or you could use few drops of fuel to go to mars and return in less than a week(Antimatter... look it up), or that you could fly, that you could take pictures, show him films blah blah blah. Guess what he'd think.

If he believed you(Yes,To believe is beyond everything), he would say you were god. He'd tell you that you had performed miracles. Because to him, these would be beyond all imagination. These would fit perfectly under the definition of miracle in his world.

Now, if someone visited you from 4011 and told you that he could bring the dead back to life(This already happened and was recorded as a miracle. A woman named Val Thomas was dead for 17 and a half hours with no heart beat and no pulse. Her hart restarted and stopped about 3 times before she started speaking.) You would call that a miracle right? I don't know what else he might say, because they would be beyond my imagination.

But, I believe I made my point here. There is no way a man can "make miracles" just like that. In fact, a miracle wouldn't be spontaneous. It would take time for a miracle to happen. Meaning, a man can't say that he'll make you fly, chant a few words and throw you in the air. You won't fly. A man can tell you that he'll make you fly and then build you a plane, while you wait.

Discoveries and Inventions are not made through evidences. But once they are made, they would have a lot of "evidence" backing it up. The wheel was invented this way. If man had given up after trying wheels of shapes that were "easy to carve" and never tried carving a perfect circle without instruments we have today, we would have gotten no where. Man "experimented" the circular wheel and it worked. Now we know why square "wheels" won't work and on circular ones would fit. We have evidence. In fact, science would be NOTHING without evidence. Without evidence, understanding anything would be very difficult.

Anything that has happened would have a scientific answer to it. We just haven't found all of them yet. Placing a coin over wounds or sprains and identifying the problem would be quite impressive. But, every coin used by every one of those doctors would be of the same material. THAT would make the difference.

In fact, there are modern doctors that can tell you what's wrong with your body by just looking at you. You wouldn't have to tell them anything. This, of course, is all about experience, but it still beats using coins.

We live in a world where nothing is constant. Not even truth. What you think is the truth today will become false tomorrow. Ancient people believed that the earth was flat. Their argument was that if the earth were to be curved, then the oceans would spill off. To them this was the truth. That's how the world works. Everything you think is true might be proven false one day. Nothing, not even truth, is constant.

I guess that's all I have to say. (I've always been terrible at conclusions). But then again, all this is from my point of view. Just wanted to tell you guys this. :)


Neeharika Patnam said...

I REALLLY REALLLY loved this post.
Have I ever said that about any of your other blogposts? I honestly fail to recall. =)

Vishal said...

Thanks :P

Okay... Lets see someone make me fly by saying a few words. I'd love to see that :P

Vishal said...

And it wasn't directed at you. It was just a post.. :P